Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Ideal life

So blogger has changed some things I see. I find it cool and interesting and also a little depressing (lol). I mean I have always "figured" that no one reads my blog but Blogger confirmed it for me by showing me with a graph that i had 3 page views the other day and I"m pretty sure they were all done by me. So I am the only one that reads my blog. I think I am okay with that. Truthefully I am not witty, or even have anything real to say so why would anyone read my blog. My last post was rather depressing....So let's take a different tone. I'll write a post of my ideal I'll use my imagination and we'll just see what comes out

In my ideal life...

My husband has gotten a promotion and makes more than enough to pay our bills and our student loans and well as buy us groceries. We have used this new increase of funds to get at least a 3 bedroom apartment maybe even a 4 bedroom house with a fenced in back yard for the kids to run around. I have lost at least 20more pounds and am only 20pds away from being just overweight instead of in the obesity range still. My children our happy and content and love to smile all day (well that pretty much happens in a not ideal life).  We have started the process to adopt a little girl or boy from India. My husband is able to attend seminary classes and I even get to take a few ballroom dancing lessons. I have also started some vocal lessons. In my ideal life... I am an incredible inspirational women's devotional writer, and I travel and speak at women's events to encourage them with scripture. In my ideal life I would be a skilled decorator, laundry folder and house organizer. I would know how to do simple fun things with little to no money and we would take all of our extra cash and give it away to charities and other organizations to help the poor, the widows, and the orphans. In my ideal life I would read my bible everyday and walk away encouraged ready to encourage others and I wouldn't be afraid to share my struggles of faith with others....

That would be my ideal life...maybe someday?


Heather said...

I read your blog!

Mrs. R said...

I read too!! :)