Monday, November 14, 2011

Motivation, motivation, motivation...

Oh, my weight loss journey has seemed to stall a bit these last 2months  I haven't gained which is great but i've also only lost 0.6pds in the last month..(lol) I am going to list my motivations (in no particular order)

Family-My babies are growing up (smiles and frowns) which means they need a Momma that can keep up with their fast legs, that models a healthy eating pattern, and that also loves them enough to take care of her own body so that she can have a small role in a long life (because honestly God has the bigger role.)

Food Drive- Many of my friends locally and across the states have partnered with me that for every 1pd I lose they will donate a food item to a local food bank! I not only lose weight to benefit myself but to benefit others as well.

Dr Oz Transformation Nation Million Dollar You Contest: Odds of winning even if I complete all the eligible requirements are still slim but none the less if I can lose some weight and possibly win a million buckaroos while i'm at it, that would be awesome!!!

My husband: He technically fits in the family category but he is so amazing that I had to give him his own spot on the list. My husband married me when I was 235pds heavy, he has always loved every aspect of my body. He NEVER, not once, has looked at me and said "I think you need to lose weight." However, when I came to him and shared the work that God was doing in my heart he poured, and poured, himself over our budget to find the ways to cut back so that I could join weight watchers I would love to be able to "give" back to him in special ways by making myself look amazing for him. I should clarify he thinks I look amazing just as I am right now, so I would love to look MORE amazing for him later.

GOD: Now its hard to describe how God is a motivation for me because it's not like there is anything specifically says in the bible "Thou must be within a healthy BMI range to glorify me" but scripture does challenge us to take care of the body that he has given to us. Most scripture passages refer to sexually staying pure but I believe that we can apply those  passages to our lives in a multiple range. Food has been an idol in my life for most of my life and it wasn't until God humbled me and showed me that I really did love food more than I loved him that I truly began to change and let go of my lusts.

So here is my question and challenge to anyone that would read this blog. What are some practical ideas that you can think of that would make it more easy for me to remember my motivations?

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